query=evt.target.value" x-on:keyup="onKeyUp" x-on:keydown="onKeyDown" x-on:keydown.enter="submitSearch" x-on:focus="searchFocus" x-on:blur="searchBlur" class="appearance-none border rounded py-1 lg:py-2 p-2 pr-3 text-base lg:text-sm w-full focus:outline-none text-gray-darkest border-gray-darkest placeholder-gray-darkest" placeholder="Search vietnamnetjobs.com Encyclopedia" />
1023) ? "bg-transparent group-hover:bg-trắng group-hover:rounded border-white group-hover:border-gray-darkest focus-within:border-gray-darkest" : "bg-trắng border-gray-darkest text-gray-darkest">" x-on:click="submitSearch">
0" class="absolute z-10 border border-gray-light rounded text-sm w-full left-0 bg-Trắng list-none group-hover:text-gray-darkest text-gray-darkest">
An alternate form of CAPTCHA human authentication that requires a person to lớn clichồng a check box next to a graphic that says "I Am Not a Robot. It may not be all that difficult to lớn program a bot that recognizes this image and programmatically selects the kiểm tra box. However, in conjunction with the display of "I Am Not a Robot," the CAPTCHA is analyzing mouse movement & other conditions that would verify a person is actually making the assertion. See CAPTCHA, spider và bot.

Bạn đang xem: Definition of i am not a robot


After clicking "I"m not a robot," an image lượt thích this (top) is often displayed requiring the user khổng lồ identify which squares contain a particular object, such as a traffic light in this example.

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