I’ve been trying khổng lồ avoid spoilers for the final episode before I can watch a subbed version, so suffice it khổng lồ say this weekend was hard. In an effort to lớn curb my curiosity, I’m committing myself to finishing all my recaps. & for those of you who are catching up, there’s still plenty of drama lớn come. The first eliminations were fairly predictable, but the second ones have a lot of surprises. It’s not that hard to lớn figure out who survives (for the most part), but determining the actual rankings is a real guessing game.

Bạn đang xem: Xem phim produce 101 (mùa 2) tập 8 vietsub

*Warning! This recap contains spoilers for Episode 8!*


A few episodes ago, we saw previews of five original songs with five different concepts. The boys will once again be separated into teams, & the voters determine who gets what song.

Xem thêm: Top 15 Nước Tẩy Trang Cho Da Dầu Mụn Tốt Được Tin Dùng Nhất, Top Nước Tẩy Trang Cho Da Dầu Tốt Nhất Hiện Nay

The trainees then prepare a stage based on their concept và perform in front of 2,000 people. The audience can vote twice: once for their favorite team, and once for their favorite trainee in that team. The winning group receives 220,000 benefit votes – 100,000 for the most popular trainee (!!!) và 20,000 each for the rest.

Before we head into eliminations, BoA gives everyone a more in-depth look at the different concepts. She then splits the trainees into groups, but the groups don’t know which tuy vậy they will be performing until everyone gets their assignment. We take a brief moment khổng lồ address the “voting controversy” where three trainees (Kang DanielKim Dongbin, and Lee Kiwon) – indicated which songs they wanted on SNS. As a penalty, they must go last & are sent to lớn whichever songs still need people.

There’s a lot of drawn out suspense & teams guessing their songs, but I’m just covering the basics. Though many trainees will be eliminated by the kết thúc of this recap, I’ve listed some more recognizable names so you can get a sense of each team’s vibe:

My faves invite you in