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Bạn đang xem: Agree đi với giới từ gì

Học những từ bạn phải giao tiếp một biện pháp lạc quan.

When two words agree, or one word agrees with another word, they have sầu the same grammatical form. For example, the words may both be singular or plural, masculine or feminine, etc.
agree to lớn do sth Federal regulators & US lenders agreed lớn freeze interest rates on subprime mortgages for five sầu years.

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be agreed by/between sb/sth Any change lớn branch rules must be agreed by two thirds of members at the branch meeting.
agree sth UK The union"s national executive sầu committee will meet on Thursday to agree the new strategy.
agree that The credit thẻ company agreed that we"d been overcharged and will credit the amount in our next bill.
At a particular "real" moment, will doctor, nurse, patient, & family agree lớn what had been planned when the topic was "theoretical"?
In the above sầu conversation, the nurse followed up her responsibilities agreed at the discharge planning meeting regarding discussing discharge issues with the patient.
However, all researchers agree that both elements are required if we are to lớn underst& the potential role and limitations of a specific psychological therapy.
Their families, recruited from local birth records, had agreed lớn participate with their children in a longitudinal study of language development.
We also agree with the authors that what subjects are told about a task can be of central importance, even when deception is not involved.
I entirely agree, but only because this is a true story told from a first-person perspective, which does not, unfortunately, escape epiphenomenalism.
But despite such differences, they agreed that teaching nội dung was more effectively delivered by their music teachers.
Many will no doubt agree with this conclusion even if they vị not agree with the path this book took to reach them.
It is shown that the experimental data agree well with the analytical results predicted by the theoretical mã sản phẩm.
In arts và fashion people recognize styles when they see them, và people often agree on what is stylish or what is not.



